It may seem to you that we go on quite a few trips lately, and we wouldn't disagree with you. We were very lucky to visit Paige and her family for 5 days in UT, and we had a great time. We went because Paige was performing a storytelling concert for the UT Arts Festival, and it was incredible. Here are the three ladies before the show:
They were all brilliant and wonderful, each in their own style. They wrote their own music for the show, too, which made it all the more impressive, leaving us wondering when the CD would be out...?
We also got to spend some time with Gramma Scurr, and we loved getting to spend time with her. No. 1 loved Gramma Great, and I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual.
She also tried on her period costume for the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, where she works. It is the building's 100th anniversary this year, and all of the staff dressed up. We had fun doing an impromptu photo shoot, and she looked great!
We loved hanging out with family and friends while we were there. Here's a few pictures of the people we especially love in UT:
1. Our nephews. Paige, we have decided for all intents and purposes to call them No. 1 and No. 2, and just because we like to slip in a Star Trek reference now and then.
2. Brandon. 3. Lisa and her kids!
I miss you, Lisa! We are sad we don't get to see you more often.
During trips wherein we get to see any sort of nephew, the goal becomes to get as many adorable pictures of them as humanly possible. If some random person looked at our camera right now, they would probably assume that they were our children, by the amount of pictures we have of them. Below is the attempt to get both of them to smile at once. I'm pretty sure No. 2 got prodded or poked or sat on before this picture was taken, resulting in his less-than-thrilled demeanor. It was shortly after this that No. 1 decided he was done with 'showing us his teeth' (how we get him to smile) and all was lost. So here it is - Taggart and I can't help but laugh at the No. 2's expression:
Are we done yet.....?
We got to go to the farm with Paige and Grammy and the kids. For the record, I have officially been corrected by the two year old, Taggart's mom is NOT Grandma, she is Grammy, as his other grandma is called Grandma, and I would do well to remember it.
The farm was great, it was gorgeous weather, and we had a splendid time, followed by a splendid run-in with our favorite UT establishment, HIRES. For you Canucks reading, it strongly rivals the greasy greatness of a Peter's, but with fry sauce, which you may also have never experienced.
Here's Taggart in jail with the little guy:
Here's No. 1 dancing in 'Ms. Kitty's Dance Hall' on the farm, and No. 2 staring up from focusing intently on Brandon's face just long enough to get a picture.
This picture is for Darlene - this is the kind of peacock that decorates Lucius Malfoy's lawn!
Oh, and we can't forget the most monumental of occurrences whilst in UT: No. 1 rode a pony for the first time! Last year he apparently wouldn't go near one, and while the ducks and geese still scared him, we are making progress... and looking cute doing it.
Thanks, guys, for a fun-filled visit. We can't wait for the next time we come out. :D