So I've been, as some of you know, costuming like a madwoman over the last 6 months or so. It's been really fun to actually get paid to do something that I love doing on the side anyway, and I've really learned a lot and honed my skills working with Laurie from DU theatre. I've been able now to costumes over 4 shows outside of DU at local theatre productions. Here's some photos from the last few months that sum up the process of costuming an entire ensemble show (it's a LOT of work):
Some elf-sized shoes and Rockettes costumes from the Holiday show we did at Lone Tree.
Left: I made pajamas for everyone this year at Christmas, and found the cutest prints!
Right: The Rockettes wore these reindeer costumes for a number where they pull Santa across the stage on a skateboard (I know). These costumes were my baby of the whole production, and I slaved over them, but they turned out so cute, and I was so happy to see them finally done!!!
Some pictures of the show itself:
If that wasn't enough, I also do mini projects all the time on the side.
Here are a few of my latest in progress pieces:
1. The dress came from both inspiration and frustration at the incredible mark-up of most recital wear and really just dresses in general. I kept trying things on and saying to myself, "really?! THAT much for like one layer of pleated silk and a jersey top?! Man, I could do that for so much cheaper." So I am. I'm not done, but I found the prettiest vintage pink velvet at Allyn's for the waistband, and think I'm happy with my new sleeve ideas. I'll be sure to post photos when it's done.
2. This skirt is the beginning of a couple nerd/fan-girl projects I have queued up. I saw this print in the children's section of the fabric store. I'm pretty sure it's only used for quilts. I don't care, I thought it was cool, and I need some new nerddom garb, so there you go. I'm pretty excited for it to be done.
I'll put more photos up as I finish more projects, because they are indeed always in the works!!! Ta ta!