Sunday, April 27, 2014

This is somewhat embarrassing, but what the heck?

Ok, so I'm sure you can all relate to the woes and trials of being a senior in something.  Well, it has seriously taken a toll on us, yes that's right both of us, that I'm almost done with school.  I'm feeling pretty jaded at this point, and we all know how that spring-quarter slump can feel.  This video was taken a while ago, and pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter exactly.

Now, I will say, this video makes me a little bashful, because I feel like we're exposing a very vulnerable side of our lives - that is to say, that when other more important stuff is going on in our lives, our motivation to do dishes goes to pot.  I'm not playing around, either, this is about the worst that it got.  I share this video with you in the hopes that you'll not judge us too badly based on what you see haha.  Enjoy!

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