Friday, April 25, 2014

My Best Friend Got Married!!!!! :)

I made a quick trip to Salt Lake over Spring Break to attend my bestest most awesomest friend Malayna's wedding.  As Malayna is pretty much the coolest person ever, and works frequently with animals of a wide variety, there were, of course, live birds at the reception:
 Zorro is the Kookaburra on the left, and Chicken is the Macaw.  My only bridesmaid duty was to help wrangle the birds, and I fed Chicken hazelnuts.  I felt quite responsible.
It was really flipping bright the day Chris and Malayna got married, but we managed to get some pretty amazing pictures.  My favorite is the one on the right.
 It was so bright, the little girls were having a rough time, as was the bride.  So, we were finally merciful and moved the pictures to the shade, but to the relief of all involved.
It was a really fun trip out to see her - they are an adorable couple, and make each other laugh.  I couldn't have wished for a better match for my bestest friend, and I am so thrilled to see her happy. :)

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