Monday, May 4, 2015

Hong Kong, Part 2: Conference, Disneyland, and Laser Lights

I can give no excuse for the lateness of this post except for the fact that I'm terrible at keeping up with this blog, and we've been doing a LOT of really fun things lately!!! There are several posts in the works, so hopefully, per my M.O, you'll be seeing several new things in the coming weeks.  So let me finally wrap up my Hong Kong post!

The church building in Wan Chai was really cool - it was about 10 stories, with some killer views from the classrooms.
The buildings in Hong Kong are so smushed together, and they are all really tall and narrow.
Another shot of the Chapel.
We set up the service project, and I got to meet some cool ladies from all over the place including Mumbai, Singapore, and Pakistan!
The next day the conference started in the evening, so we all registered and got settled.
Finding name cards, and the theme for this year:
Our service project was making baby blankets and baby wraps for migrant women in Wan Chai.  It was cool to know that our efforts would affect local people who are struggling, and we had a lot of fun putting them together!
It was a nice time to be able to sit and chat and meet new people!  One of my favorite new acquaintances is this young woman named Rafa from Singapore.  She is an amazing person, with a fireball spirit about her.  She just got called to serve a mission in Brazil, and I am so excited for her!  Here she is holding Brooke's baby (another new friend):
We had choir practice that night, led by the lovely Heather Brown, who I adore!
Some awesome ladies :)

The next day we had classes and special presentations on a variety of topics.  Since I was on the photography committee, I needed to take a lot of pictures (though I definitely fell short a few times O_o)

This woman is so incredible - I loved hearing her story of courage and hope in the face of adversity.
And, in the midst of all the classes, Gaby's little boy was as smiley as can be!
Time for lunch, then on to round two of classes!
Robyn, you were so funny and positive! I loved your class!
Before we wrapped up for the day, we took group photos.  There were women from all over Asia, which was really awesome.
And here's our group!!!
I like this picture better :D

After the conference ended, we got to visit the Hong Kong temple, which was really amazing.  It was the first layout of its kind, and was really one of the first temples of the area.  What an amazing experience to go with all the wonderful women of the conference!  I met a sweet woman from Peru named Ruth there and we talked a little bit during the session - I felt like I'd known her forever!  It was a wonderful evening.
Our group :)

After the temple, we headed to the night market on Temple street!  It was really crowded, and actually was a little unnerving since a member of our party got pickpocketed while we were shopping.  I was astounded by the sheer mass quantity of everything - I've seen plenty of markets in Korea, but none of them are as, dense, I guess, as this was.
I didn't even realize the sign in that photo until after I got home! O_o
The gate marking the entrance of the market, which then leads to this:
Gorgeous.  Colors everywhere.  Sensory overload.
I got an awesome hand painted canvas of some junk boats in Hong Kong harbor from this guy for USD $7.00.  There were hundreds of incredible paintings in his tiny booth for next to nothing.
Toys, USB chargers of any variety, USB drives of any shape, size, material.... It was overwhelming!
We thought it strange to have this juxtaposition in the middle of the street:
But we found the best shirt ever!  Too bad it only came in XS, or I would have gotten it!
Selfie Stick! Kristi, #selfieswithstrangers much?
We left a little nervous from our pickpocket encounter but with good deals, and were ready to sleep!!

The last day in HK began with muffins!!! After a quick morning session of classes, the conference ended, and we said goodbye to all of our new friends.  As for me, I headed to the most magical of destinations...

DISNEYLAND! Hong Kong edition :)
The train is so darling, with figurines everywhere.  This little girl was really cute with her parents, and at one point I almost gave her some candy from my purse, and then realized... I'm becoming an Ajumma (little old Korean lady), better stop!
I made it!
They do a good job at trying to make the park look a lot like the ones in the States, with one giant exception..... (wait for it)
Come on!  Disney, you can't splurge on a real castle???????  :/
It's ok, the rest of the park was awesome.
Mystic Manor was really cute:
And look!  I could have gotten Samgyetang if I wanted to! (But I didn't, because I can get the real thing.)
One of the highlights was Toy Story land.  I loved the perspective of the toys to people.  It made you feel tiny!
Since I was on a time crunch, I didn't get to ride all of the rides, which was a bummer, because I wanted to try the paratrooper ride and the slinky coaster.  But I did get some pictures with the stars!
I also saw this sweet backpack on some random guy.  Adventure Time, represent!
Then, I did make sure to ride the carousel.
The little girl behind me LOVED this ride, and was so cute about it that I asked her mom if I could take her picture.
I got to meet my Halloween namesake!  Minnie!
I had some extra time, so I thought I should hit up It's a Small World.  I haven't been on it since I was a kid, and man, have they upgraded since I was there last!  First of all, GLITTER is everywhere, and it's amazing.  Secondly, all of the dolls do way more exciting things than I remember, including moving their mouths and dancing more accurately.  

But the Asia section was the best, of course!
That's all you get America! :) (But they had a Mounty, so it's ok!)
The Hong Kong Harbor - the boats moved back and forth - really cool.

Ok, guys, the proof was already posted on Facebook that I went on Space Mountain.  The single rider ticket is a great way to avoid line, and also to trick yourself into riding something if you are on the fence about it.  I got in line and thought, "Ok, I could always back out of this if I decide I can't handle it" (I don't do rollercoasters, if you don't know, but got one-upped by both of my 5-yr. old nephews this year, so I had to do this).  No sooner had the thought of possible escape entered my mind, a lady came and took me to sit in a car.  I was in line for less than three minutes, I kid you not!  So I had no way out.  It was a harrowingly short realization, followed by a "girding up", if you will, of all the bravery I had in me to get over it.
I'm happy to say I made it through!  I'm still not convinced that I love it, though I do think it's smaller than the Space Mountain in the states.  I celebrated with an astronaut stud named Buzz:
Sorry, Taggart! :) 
I also went on the Buzz ride, which is essentially going inside a video game.  I didn't suck!
After that, I had to start heading back for time reasons.  I got lunch/dinner at a restaurant and was surrounded by little moochers:
They came really close to my food!  They have no fear, and there were about 12 of them eyeing me through my entire meal.  I did slip them some sesame seeds from my burger... oops.
At the last minute, I realized that I hadn't seen any princesses yet!  I happened across two of them by chance on my way out, and Rapunzel even did some twirling for me as she walked by:
It's not Disneyland without princesses!!!
I made it back to the station and headed for the pier to meet the rest of my group:

We wanted to take a night harbor tour to see the famous laser light show that everyone says not to miss!  I will say, the show itself was not much to wink at, but the skyline views were incredible:
Check out that Apple store!!!
Hong Kong is the master of cool skyways:
Gorgeous skyline, even though it was hazy:
Here we go - Star Tours!
Our group on the ferry:
From left: Kristina, Roxanna, Tiffany, Sharamie, Janelle, me, Karen
We met this really sweet English girl named Emma who was taking the tour by herself.  She was leaving to go work on a cruise ship the next morning, so we invited her to have dinner with us after.  She is so nice!
More shots of the lights:
Look at all the people in that ferry line (not for our tour, but the public transit ferry)!!!
These were the coolest city lights I've seen yet, even without the laser show. The cherry on top was the famous junk boat I had heard about and hope to see on my trip.  It was all lit up, just sailing around the harbor.  I was so stoked to get a good shot of it!!!
I had a wonderful trip, met some lovely people, and ate incredible food.  Check, check, and check!  See you again, Hong Kong, I'm sure I'll be back someday!

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